21st Century Programming Track

It’s not the same cantorate that we entered.  Our bima time comprises a small percentage of what we can and should do.  Cantors who expand the range of offerings in their personal toolbox have a greater likelihood of being more intimately involved in the life of the congregation.  Join us for these engaging sessions as we provide you with resources that you can take home and incorporate:

Monday.  Storahtelling. What’s it about and how can I bring them and/or the programming concepts to my own congregation?  Sarah Sokolic from Storahtelling will show us how.

Tuesday.  Engendering Judaism: The Moving Traditions Approach.  How does gender continue to be a factor in supposedly “egalitarian” synagogue life? What are our youth learning about gender roles? How do we create communities where both girls and boys see women and men engaged in spiritual and intellectual growth? We’ll sample some of the award-winning curriculum models of Moving Traditions and explore the current state of gender politics in Jewish life.

Wednesday.   If you are creative and love theater, performing, and Judaism then why not discover a way to bring theater into the synagogue in ways that can enrich your cantorate and your congregation’s total experience. As an actor and cantor for many years I have discovered ways to involve adults and children by tapping into their creativity and their love for performing on multiple levels. The artistic worlds and the spiritual worlds are, as we all know, indelibly linked. Come to my workshop on Wed. May 22nd at the convention and discover how using theater and acting techniques can contribute to a more vibrant and participatory synagogue community.   Cantor Mark Perman   FVJC-Emek Shalom, Simsbury, CT

Thursday.  Let’s Get Spiritual.  Calling upon the vast stores of material and the personal creativity of Amy Dorsch, Education Coordinator of USCJ Department of Teen Learning, we will learn new and exciting ways to engage families and youth through spirited, creative tefillah.

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